Therapeutic Massage
I provide a 30, 60 or 90 minute session that is customized, not only to each client, but to your needs for each session. If all you need is to destress and relax, I can help with that. If you have more specific issues, such as reduced range of motion or tension, I can address that as well.
30 Minute: $55 / 60 Minute: $90 / 90 Minute: $125
Package Series, Memberships and other Discounts Available

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy/Massage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a gentle therapy that helps to boost your immune system, detoxify the body, and aid in the recovery and healing process following surgeries and illnesses by moving fluid through the Lymphatic System to help reduce swelling and bruising.
Please contact me for pricing. Sessions rage from 30 to 120 minutes in duration depending on the area being treated.
Prices rage from $60 for Focused Sinus/Face Session to $190 for Systemic/Full Body Session
A Basic Sinus/Face MLD can be added to any Therapeutic Massage Session for $30
"Post-Surgical Scar/Adhesion Therapy" IASTM can be added to any MLD for $20
Specialty Massage
These specialized sessions are 30 minutes in duration, focus on specific areas or techniques, and are typically preformed while the client is fully clothed.
(Clothing is moved, if needed, exposing only the area being worked on. If client is wearing restrictive clothing some disrobing may be required.)
30 Minute Specialty Massage: $55
When Booking, please note which specialty you are requesting.
Package Series Available

This Signature specialty massage focuses on the hands, wrist, forearms and feet. (The areas most of us use excessively, every day, in our work and play.) If you do not have the time for a full body 60 or 90 minute massage, this session can be surprisingly effective at restoring your energy and releasing tension.

This specialized session focuses on the abdominal region to address issues such as bloating, constipation, gas and other related issues. Massage is an excellent, natural alternative to medications typically used to treat these symptoms.

This type of therapy/technique can be performed on the feet, hands or ears where nerve endings are located. Here at YAA we provided treatment to the feet. By applying pressure and stimulating specific zones on the feet we encourage the body to promote healing that can help with a variety of ailments.

TMJD Massage
This specialized session focuses on the muscles, both external and inter-oral, that may be the cause of TMJD symptoms. (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction sometimes referred to as "lock jaw".) TMJD symptoms include, but are not limited to, pain or tenderness in the jaw or near the ear, difficulty or pain while chewing, and/or locking of the jaw (Difficulty opening or closing jaw. Sometimes with a clicking sound.)

What are the benefits of massage?
There are both physical and emotional benefits to massage therapy. Many doctors recommend it and incorporate it into their overall treatment plan for their patients. Some benefits include...
- Increased circulation.
- Relieves stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Breaks up tissue adhesion.
- May be helpful for headaches, digestive disorders, fibromyalgia, and more...
What are the risks of massage?
Massage therapy has very few risks when performed by a properly trained and licensed therapist. However, there are some medical conditions or situations that are contraindicated for massage or may require your doctor's permission. Some of the most common general contraindications are the flu, common cold, fever, uncontrolled or severe unstable hypertension, bleeding disorders or taking blood thinners.